
For configuring this plugin, I highly recommend you turn use the JSON Settings Editor instead of the weird graphical settings editor.


Format On Save#

In the settings page, include the following key value pair:-

  "formatOnSave": true


Settings can be found in “Settings” in the toolbar > “Advanced Settings Editor” > “Jupyterlab Code Formatter”.

This invokes jupyterlab_code_formatter:format_all every time you save, which uses the default formatters specified in settings.

Keyboard Shortcuts#

To add a keyboard shortcut calling the JupyterLab commands registered by this plugin (documented here), add an entry in the Advanced Setting Edtior of JupyterLab (TDOO: How to get there.) like so:-

  "shortcuts": [
      "command": "jupyterlab_code_formatter:format",
      "keys": [
        "Ctrl K",
        "Ctrl M"
      "selector": ""

The above example breaks down to

  • Under edit mode (detected through the selector);

  • Using the chord Ctrl+K Ctrl+M;

  • Invoke the jupyterlab_code_formatter:format command;

Changing Default Formatter(s)#

The jupyterlab_code_formatter:format and jupyterlab_code_formatter:format_all JupyterLab commands will always invoke the formatter(s) specified in the settings.


Settings can be found in “Settings” in the toolbar > “Advanced Settings Editor” > “Jupyterlab Code Formatter”.

To override the default settings, enter something like so in the “User Preferences” panel of the settings:-

    "preferences": {
        "default_formatter": {
            "python": "autopep8",
            "R": "styler"

Changing Formatter Parameters#

Sometimes the stock default config of a code formatter doesn’t suit your need, you can override the code formatter in the settings.


Settings can be found in “Settings” in the toolbar > “Advanced Settings Editor” > “Jupyterlab Code Formatter”.

For example to override settings for the autopep8 formatter, enter something like so in the “User Preferences” pnael of the settings:-

  "autopep8": {
    "max_line_length": 120,
    "ignore": [


This plugin does not pick up file based configuration at the moment (e.g. setup.cfg, pyproject.yml, etc.)

Ticket is already opened at #167.


This plugin might be out of sync with the list of possibilities of configuration option.

See settings.json for the JSON schema used, feel free to open a PR for updating it.

Chaining Formatters Invocation#

The jupyterlab_code_formatter:format and jupyterlab_code_formatter:format_all JupyterLab commands support invocation of multiple formatters one after the other via settings.


Settings can be found in “Settings” in the toolbar > “Advanced Settings Editor” > “Jupyterlab Code Formatter”.

To do so, configure the default formatter to be an array of strings:-

    "preferences": {
        "default_formatter": {
            "python": ["isort", "black"],
            "R": ["styler", "formatR"]

R Formatter Configuration Example#

R formatters are a little finicky to configure, the list construct in R is actually a JSON dictionary, to configure value of math_token_spacing and reindention of styler, do something like so:-

    "styler": {
        "math_token_spacing": {
            "one":["'+'", "'-'", "'*'","'/'"]
        "reindention": {
            "regex_pattern" : "^###",
            "indention" : 0,
            "comments_only" : true}

Once again this is done in the settings page.


Settings can be found in “Settings” in the toolbar > “Advanced Settings Editor” > “Jupyterlab Code Formatter”.